Thursday, July 28, 2005

traduced, but not traduced

In French, traduce means to translate.

In my Oxford English Dictionary, the meaning is given as misrepresent.

In Spanish it would appear as if the same confusion exists - traducción/traición.

Ernesto Priego has translated another of my poems, The Intention. Has turned it into a hay(na)ku. I love what he's done with it.

It is posted to Never Neutral, originally under the post title of Betrayal.

In an email he worries that I might choose to assume the wrong meaning of the word.

I choose the French, because, as I wrote in response to an earlier translation, nothing refreshes a poem like seeing it in translation. It becomes new, even if it's old.

& that's what the poem is all about, anyway. The last two verses:
Not new things:
just the old, re-
worked. So that

is like
but through another
& this added 15 minutes later, having visited Never Neutral in the interim, I see he has a new post, using these exact same verses to make the same point that I've just made.

Snap, amigo!

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