Thursday, March 31, 2005

Comings & goings

Cassie Lewis has started up a new blog, The Little Workshop. Welcome back, Cassie.

I'm also adding ecce mulier, an anonymous blog "posted by R.L." although up until a couple of days ago it was "posted by Nietzsche's Wife" which I kinda liked since it reminded me of the great Charlie Mingus' tune "All the things you could be by now if Sigmund Freud's wife was your mother". I mentally translate ecce mulier as "Behold the Donkey-Driver", but since the blog emanates from Mexico that might be construed as racist, so I'll let it pass.

I've also linked to Poetic Inhalation's eye peasant page, a comprehensive listing of "written creation links".

& I've drawn a line through all those links - although the link is still there - to blogs which have been silent for a number of months.

1 comment:

Rebeka Lembo said...

I am only kidding with the scarf and all.

Thank you for the 'addition'. :)