Thursday, January 12, 2006

Have finally

got my shit together & turned the 26-poem series that I've called Betabet into a pdf file. I've sent copies to those who asked some months ago when I was thinking about doing it, but if there's anyone else who'd like a copy, just drop me an email. My address is in the sidebar.

Many of the poems have appeared or are to appear in a number of journals - Ampersand, Aught, eratio, Hamilton Stone Review, hutt, minimum daily requirements, Moria, pingpong, Starfish & Zafusy - & there are links to some of them in the "recently published poetry" part of the sidebar. So, if you check them out, like what you see & would like to see more.....


na said...

These are just lovely. Thanks for sharing -- as in one your poems, they offer "a melody of considerable range".

"The hand is dextrous there"

I've read it once through and felt that avid quickening silver through moi veins.

Look forward to more rereadings. It's so pleasure-filled it's one of the relatively few pdf files of poems I've actually printed out to take about offa virtual reality.

Congratulations on this,

Robert said...


thanks for the heads-up, Mark

will spread the word, as well

Anonymous said...

Such a pleasure to wake & find the (e)mail-man had delivered
'Betabet' instead of the usual array of spam.

I'm sending you a gizillion trans-tasman thank-you's...

p.s Check out 'Hard Freeze' by Dan Simmons. He reminds me of early James Ellroy (circa 'Blood On The Moon')